Thursday, January 28, 2021

Huoche Kuai Fei, 火車快飛, Trains Fast Fly


Chinese Children Song

Song Title: 火車快飛 ( 火车快飞, Huǒchē Kuài Fēi , Trains Fast Fly ) 

The video for this lyric is only available on Youtube. Please CLICK HERE to watch.

歌詞, 繁體 中文, 簡體 中文, 拼音 英文 翻譯:
歌词, 繁体 中文, 简体 中文, 拼音 英文 翻译:
Gēcí, fántǐ zhōngwénjiǎntǐ zhōngwén, pīnyīn hé yīngwén fānyì:
Lyrics in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, pinyin and English translations:
(The translations are done by the Chinese character order so the grammar may not be proper. If you have any question about the lyrics, please leave a reply/comment below this post, I will answer you as soon as I can.):

火車 , 火車
火车 , 火车
Huǒchē kuài fēi, huǒchē kuài fēi
Train fast fly, train fast fly

, 越過 小溪
, 越过 小溪
Fēi guò gāo shān, yuèguò xiǎo xī
Fly over high mountain, cross over brook

Yī tiān yào pǎo jǐ bǎi lǐ
A day must run several hundred miles

家裡, 家裡
家里, 家里
Kāi dào jiā lǐ, kāi dào jiā lǐ
Drive to home, drive to home

媽媽 歡喜
妈妈 欢喜
Māma kàn le zhēn huānxǐ
Mom sees really happy

Repeat 2 times

Practice writing: CLICK HERE and hit the brushes next to each character to see the stroke orders. Grab a piece of paper and write them down.

How do you like this song? Leave a comment below, I’d love to hear from you. Please like and share!

Baca Juga