Thursday, April 14, 2022

小毛驢, Xiao Mao Lü, Little Donkey


Chinese Children Song

Song Title: 小毛驢 (小毛驴, Xiǎo Máolǘ, Little Donkey)

歌詞, 繁體 中文, 簡體 中文, 拼音 英文 翻譯:
歌词, 繁体 中文, 简体 中文, 拼音 英文 翻译:
Gēcí, fántǐ zhōngwénjiǎntǐ zhōngwén, pīnyīn hé yīngwén fānyì:
Lyrics in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, pinyin and English translation:
(The translation is done by the Chinese character order so the grammar may not be proper. If you have any question about the lyrics, please leave a reply/comment below this post, I will answer you as soon as I can.)

一隻 毛驢 從來也不
一只 毛驴 从来也不
Wǒ yǒu yìzhī xiǎo máolǘ  wǒ cóngláiyěbù qí
I have one little donkey I never ride

  心血來潮 騎著 趕集
  心血来潮 骑着 赶集
Yǒu yì tiān wǒ xīnxuèláicháo qízhe qù gǎnjí
One day I take it into my head to ride to market

手裡 拿著 皮鞭 得意
手里 拿着 皮鞭 得意
Wǒ shǒulǐ názhe xiǎo píbiān wǒ xīn lǐ zhēn déyì
I in hand take little whip my heart inside really proud

怎麼 *嘩啦啦啦 摔了 一身
怎麽 *哗啦啦啦 摔了 一身
Bù zhī zěnme *huālālālā wǒ shuāile yìshēn ní
Not knowing how I fall whole body mud
*嘩啦啦啦 is the sound of falling into the mud

Repeat 2 times.

Practice writing: CLICK HERE and hit the brushes next to each character to see the stroke orders. Grab a piece of paper and write them down.

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Baca Juga