Wednesday, August 10, 2022



You need:

  1. drawing sheet A3 size 

  2. drawing sheet A3 size

  3. tea

  4. glue

  5. sand

  6. brush

  7. charcoal

  8. wool in black and white

  9. scissors

After reading The zebra who ran too fast fro Jenni Desmond we did this lesson. 

Dillute glue with a cup of strong tea and add some sand. Paint the large sheet with this. Color and texture will emphasize the natural habitat of the zebra. 

Fold the other two sheets in half and cut a neck and head (oval). 

Use charcoal to draw vertical lines on the head and horizontal lines on the body. Cut ears and draw lines on them. Cut pieces of white and black wire and paste them. 

Elements of ard: line, shape and texture.
Techniques: cut and glue, draw with charcoal

Baca Juga