Saturday, January 21, 2023

Covid haircut


made by a student of grade 5

You need:

  1. white drawing sheet 
  2. pencil
  3. color pencils
Hairdressers have been closed for a while because of the epidemic …. what consequences does that have? 

How do you look now? Or your parents? Or a famous person? 

Draw a portrait of yourself or someone else with a Covid haircut. 
Choose which materials you use and whether you draw in black and white or in color.  
Difficult to draw a portrait? No, watch this video about face proportions. 

Beeldaspecten: vorm, lijn, ruimte. 

Collage in one color

 You need:

  1. several things in one color 
  2. camera

This is a homeschooling assignment. 
1. Collect small items of the same color in your house. The more, the better!
2. Place them on a white surface. 
3. Your items may touch each other, but don't have to. 
4. Make sure the edges are straight.
5. Take a picture of your collage.
6. Send the photo to your teacher. 
Elements of art: space, color. 

The photo's and collages are made by students of grade 2.