Thursday, April 28, 2022

雲上太陽, Yun Shang Taiyang, The Sun Above The Clouds

Chinese Christian Song

Song Title: 雲上太陽 (云上太阳, Yún Shàng Tàiyáng, The Sun Above The Clouds)

歌詞, 繁體 中文, 簡體 中文, 拼音 英文 翻譯:
歌词, 繁体 中文, 简体 中文, 拼音 英文 翻译:
Gēcí, fántǐ zhōngwénjiǎntǐ zhōngwén, pīnyīn hé yīngwén fānyì:
Lyrics in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, pinyin and English translations:
(The translations are done by the Chinese character order so the grammar may not be proper. If you have any question about the lyrics, please leave a reply/comment below this post, I will answer you as soon as I can):

無論    美麗的
无论    美丽的
Wúlùn shì zhù zài   měilìdi gāo shān
Whether (we) are living in   beautiful high mountain

或是 躺臥    陰暗的
或是 躺卧    阴暗的
Huòshì tǎngwò zài   yīnàndi yōu gǔ
Or lying in   dark deep valley

   將會 發現
   将会 发现
Dāng nǐ tái qǐ tóu   nǐ jiānghuì fāxiàn
When you raise up head   you will discover

Zhǔ yǐ wèi nǐ wǒ ér yùbèi
God already for you me to prepare

Repeat 1.

太陽   改變
太阳   改变
Yún shàng tàiyáng  tā zǒng bù gǎibiàn
Clouds above sun (The sun above the clouds)   he always no change

Suīrán xiǎo yǔ sǎ zài liǎn shàng
Although light rain   sprinkle on face

太陽   改變
太阳   改变
Yún shàng tàiyáng  tā zǒng bù gǎibiàn
Clouds above sun (The sun above the clouds)   he always no change

哈~他 改變
哈~他 改变
tā bù gǎibiàn
Ha~ he won’t change

Repeat 1. 2. 2. 2.

Zhǔ yǐ wèi nǐ wǒ ér yùbèi
God already for you me to prepare

Children Version:

Practice writing: CLICK HERE and hit the brushes next to each character to see the stroke orders. Grab a piece of paper and write them down.
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Thursday, April 21, 2022

大象, Da Xiang, Big Elephant

Chinese Children Song

Song Title: 大象 (大象, Dà Xiàng , Big Elephant)
The picture on left has the Chinese characters 大象 in it.
It’s not hard to figure it out, right?
More awesome creative Chinese character pictures, click HERE.

歌詞, 繁體 中文, 簡體 中文, 拼音 英文 翻譯:
歌词, 繁体 中文, 简体 中文, 拼音 英文 翻译:
Gēcí, fántǐ zhōngwénjiǎntǐ zhōngwén, pīnyīn hé yīngwén fānyì:
Lyrics in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, pinyin and English translations:
(The translations are done by the Chinese character order so the grammar may not be proper. If you have any question about the lyrics, please leave a reply/comment below this post, I will answer you as soon as I can):

大象 大象
大象 大象
Dà xiàng dà xiàng
Elephant elephant

你的 鼻子 怎麼 那麼
你的 鼻子 怎麽 那麽
Nǐde bízi zěnme nàme cháng
Your nose why so long

媽媽 鼻子 漂亮
妈妈 鼻子 漂亮
Māma shuō bízi cháng cái shì piàoliàng
Mom says nose long just is beautiful

Repeat 1 time.

Try replace 大象 and 鼻子 to
1. 兔子 (兔子, tùzi, rabbit) and 耳朵 (耳朵, ěrduo, ears)
2. 長頸鹿 (长颈鹿, chángjǐnglù, giraffe) and 脖子 (脖子, bózi, neck)
3. (, shé, snake) and 身體 (身体, shēntǐ, body)
4. 猴子 (猴子, hóu zi, monkey) and 尾巴 (尾巴, wěiba, tail).

Please leave a comment below and like my Facebook page, I’d love to hear from you. Any song you like to see in this blog, just let me know.

Practice writing: CLICK HERE and hit the brushes next to each character to see the stroke orders. Grab a piece of paper and write them down.

Please like and share~

Thursday, April 14, 2022

小毛驢, Xiao Mao Lü, Little Donkey

Chinese Children Song

Song Title: 小毛驢 (小毛驴, Xiǎo Máolǘ, Little Donkey)

歌詞, 繁體 中文, 簡體 中文, 拼音 英文 翻譯:
歌词, 繁体 中文, 简体 中文, 拼音 英文 翻译:
Gēcí, fántǐ zhōngwénjiǎntǐ zhōngwén, pīnyīn hé yīngwén fānyì:
Lyrics in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, pinyin and English translation:
(The translation is done by the Chinese character order so the grammar may not be proper. If you have any question about the lyrics, please leave a reply/comment below this post, I will answer you as soon as I can.)

一隻 毛驢 從來也不
一只 毛驴 从来也不
Wǒ yǒu yìzhī xiǎo máolǘ  wǒ cóngláiyěbù qí
I have one little donkey I never ride

  心血來潮 騎著 趕集
  心血来潮 骑着 赶集
Yǒu yì tiān wǒ xīnxuèláicháo qízhe qù gǎnjí
One day I take it into my head to ride to market

手裡 拿著 皮鞭 得意
手里 拿着 皮鞭 得意
Wǒ shǒulǐ názhe xiǎo píbiān wǒ xīn lǐ zhēn déyì
I in hand take little whip my heart inside really proud

怎麼 *嘩啦啦啦 摔了 一身
怎麽 *哗啦啦啦 摔了 一身
Bù zhī zěnme *huālālālā wǒ shuāile yìshēn ní
Not knowing how I fall whole body mud
*嘩啦啦啦 is the sound of falling into the mud

Repeat 2 times.

Practice writing: CLICK HERE and hit the brushes next to each character to see the stroke orders. Grab a piece of paper and write them down.

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