Monday, April 13, 2020

Letter doodling

You need:

  1. white drawing sheet A3 size

  2. ruler

  3. pencil

  4. black markers

  5. colored markers or pencils 

Shot pictures of letter doodling and fonts - new and older ones. 

Discuss the pictures. Letters in those alphabets are a kind of family.  How can you see that? What can you say about the lines? Are they fat, thin, curvy or angular? What do you feel seeing those alphabets?

Draw a grid with your students (a lesson about using rulers is always a struggle!). In this lesson there are 2 inches between the lines and a half inch between the letters.

After drawing their grid, students design their own alphabet and trace them with markers.

Artworkds made by students of grade 5

Still life fruit

Made by a student of grade 4

You need:

  1. acrylic paint 

  2. canvas

  3. brushes

  4. bowl with fruit

Talk about still life paintings and show some artworks from famous still life painters. 

Tell students it's all about composition and colour. 

Place a bowl filled with fruit on a table. Students paint this bowl on their canvas. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Made by a student of grade 3

You need:

  1. veggies

  2. white drawing sheet

  3. liquid watercolour paint

  4. crayons

  5. indian ink

  6. brushes

  7. jar with water

Talk about veggies and why we all have to eat them. Show several veggies.

Use crayons to draw several veggies on your sheet. No overlapping.  Just draw the outlines, don't colour them with crayons.

Colour with liquid watercolour paint. Use two colours to make the paint bleed.

Paint the background dark grey with dilluted indian ink.