Saturday, October 22, 2022

Keith Haring figures on tissue paper


made by students of grade 3

You need:
  1. colored tissuepaper
  2. white drawing sheet
  3. jar with water
  4. brush
  5. scissors
  6. templates of Haring figures
  7. pencil
  8. black marker

Choose 2 or more colors of tissuepaper. Fold them in 16 squares. Cut out. 
Take a sheet of drawing paper, make it wet with a brush and water. Lay the pieces of tissue paper on this wet sheet and see how they bleed. Fill the whole sheet and be sure to use enough water. 
Let dry and remove the tissue papers. 
Cut two or more Haring templates and outline them with a pencil. Trace those lines with black marker and trace them again to make nice bold lines. 

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