Friday, April 28, 2023

On Monet's bridge


You need: 

  1. drawing sheet A3 size
  2. tempera paint
  3. brushes
  4. white construction paper
  5. scissors
  6. oilpastels
  7. glue
Claude Monet (1840-1926) is considered one of the most important painters of Impressionism. 

 Typical for Impressionists:

  • they choose subjects from ordinary life 
  • special attention for light and color
  • work in the open air
  • smooth brushstrokes
  • dashes resemble a sketch
  • it's about the impression!

Discuss the term impressionism. Show some paintings by Monet and zoom in on a work with water lilies in Arts & Culture. Do students see the characteristics of impressionism in this artwork?

Monet had a large garden with a pond and a Japanese bridge in Giverny France. He liked to paint in that garden. His works of water lilies are therefore famous and are the basis of this lesson.

Lesson 1
Draw a horizon line above the middle of your sheet. Paint the pond and the sky with short brush strokes, like Monet did. Do not mix the paint, but take two colors on your brush.  Make sure the blue color of the pond is not the same color as the sky.
Paint trees on both sides of the sheet in the same way. Paint water lilies in the pond. Be sure that they are larger in the front of the pond than in the back.  

Lesson 2
Have someone take a picture of you that shows you all the way. Print the photo and cut it out. 
Cut three parallel arcs from about 1,5 cm wide from the construction paper.  Then cut four straight pieces of 1,5 cm wide. Paste the photo on the work and paste the bridge over it. 

All artworks are made by students of grade 6


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Van Gogh's bedroom

        by a student of grade 6 

You need:
  1. for prints: black and white sheets 18 by 14 cm 
  2. for background: black and white construction paper 31 by 19 cm
  3. linoleum 16 by 12 cm
  4. carbon paper
  5. lino knife
  6. flat piece of glass 
  7. block printing ink
  8. lino roller
  9. lino press
  10. glue

The painting The bedroom is from 1888. View this painting and discuss it  using elements of art. What do you see? What stands out? What do you see on the wall? What can you say about the perspective? What materials did Van Gogh use? What do you think about the colors? Do you like the painting or not, and why is that?  

Print the image below on 12 by 16 cm for each student. 

Transfer the white lines from the image to the linoleum using carbon paper and a pen. Cut out the white lines and parts. 

Cut out your name in mirror writing at the bottom left. 
Make four prints: two with white paint on black paper and two with black paint on white paper. Let dry. 
Stick the white sheets on black paper and the black sheets on white paper. Use 1 cm of the sheets to stick them together.

all artworks of grade 6

Elements of art: color, space, line. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Starry Night like Vincent van Gogh

Show during both lessons hVan Gogh's painting Starry Night.  

Tell about Vincent van Gogh. Show Starry Night. Zoom in on the painting with Arts & Culture

The artwork students are going to make, will take two lessons.  

You need for the 1st lesson:
  1. black construction paper 
  2. aluminium foil
  3. piece of cardboard or a clay plate
  4. painter's tape
  5. tempera paint in blue and white 
  6. cotton swab
  7. brushes
  8. plate

Lesson 1
Wrap the cardboard/clay plate with aluminum foil and tape it on the back side. 

Step 1: For each pair of students there is a palette with blue and white paint. Students paint spiral shapes ons the aluminum foil with a brush and / or cotton swabs.

Stap 2: Make a print by placing a black sheet on top of your painting and pressing it.  

Stap 3: Remove the black sheet and let dry. 

 You need for the 2nd lesson:

  1. oilpastels in black, grey and purple
  2. tempera paint in yellow and white 
  3. black construction papier
  4. brushes
  5. scissors
  6. glue
  7. plate
Step 4: Draw and color the mountains with oilpastels. Draw the wavy movements in the air. The lines must run parallel to each other and also go in the same direction during a movement.
Show students that you can fade the colors by smearing the oil pastel. This way you can also make the colors darker or lighter.

Step 5: Determine where the large dark cypress should be and cut it out of black paper. (In grade 3 we gave students a shape to trace for the cypress.)

Step 6: Cut houses and glue them on tje painting. Draw lighted windows with oilpastels.  

Step 7: Paint moon and stars with tempera. 

Artworks are made by students of grade 3.

Elements of art: color, line, nuance, texture.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Water lilies on a plate


By a student of grade 1

Claude Monet (1840-1926) is considered one of the most important painters of Impressionism. 

 Typical for Impressionists:

  • they choose subjects from ordinary life 
  • special attention for light and color
  • work in the open air
  • smooth brushstrokes
  • dashes resemble a sketch
  • it's about the impression!

Monet had a large garden with a pond and a Japanese bridge in Giverny France. He liked to paint in that garden. His works of water lilies are therefore famous.

Discuss the term impressionism. Show some paintings by Monet and zoom in on a work with water lilies in Arts & Culture. Do students see the characteristics of impressionism in this artwork?

You need:
  1. paper plates
  2. tempera paint in blue and white 
  3. stencil brush
  4. white drawing sheet 
  5. tissue paper in green an light green 
  6. water and sponge
  7. tissue paper in pink and yellow
  8. mold of a water lily leaf
  9. glue
  10. scissors
Step 1:
Dab the plate with blue and white.  

Step 2:
Wet the white paper with a sponge. Cut squares from the green tissue paper. Place them on the wet paper and let the bleed. Let dry.


Step 3
Remove the tissue paper. Trace the mold of the lilyflower leaf and cut it out.  

Step 4
Fold the tissuepaper for the lily twice diagonally. Cut a flower shape. 

Step 5
Grab the flower shapes in the middle. Crumple them into a flower. Put a drop of glue on the lily leaf and stick the center of the lily on top. Roll a wad of leftover tissue paper and stick it in the center of the flower.

Elements of art: texture, color, space. 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Paint like an impressionist

This lesson is an exercise for painting an impressionist work.

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet
  2. tempera paint in red, blue and yellow
  3. small brushes
  4. paper towels
View impressionist paintings, for example from Claude Monet or Van Gogh. Zoom into Starry Night from Van Gogh using this link
What do you see?
  • the painting is made out with loose dashes.   
  • the dashes indicate a direction or movement, they are not just placed.
  • you can see the canvas between the dashes. The color of the canvas is therefore part of the painting. 
View a sunset picture. 

What do you see?
  • the sun is reflected in the water 
  • the sun's rays point left, up and right
  • the horizon is half way the photograph 
Exercise before you get started: 
  • Practice painting short strokes on a scrap. To do this, always lift the brush from the paper.
  • Practice with two colors on your brush; do not mix!
  • Make narrow / wide strokes by turning / not turning your brush.
  • Clean the brush for a new color with a paper towel, do not use water!
And now the artwork:

  • Fold your drawing sheet in half lengthwise, this is the horizon line.
  • Draw with pencil a semicircle on the horizon line, this is the sun.
  • Paint the sun orange: apply red and yellow to your brush. Do not mix!
  • Paint the sun's rays with yellow and very little red. Put something on your brush of both colors and make short strokes by lifting the brush from the paper each time. Also leave white between the strokes.
  • Also make the reflection of the sun in the water. Beware: the direction of the brushstrokes is now horizontal, just like the water.
  • Make the sky with blue and white (again add two colors to the brush). Use white to make a lighter blue. Follow the direction of the sun's rays. Don't make the sky completely full, you have to keep seeing paper.
  • Paint the sea with blue, white (and maybe green). Do not mix! The direction is horizontal here. Think of the white space between the lines.
Elements of art: line, color, nuance.